A retreat refreshes and revitalizes, gives the opportunity for more time spent in prayer and contemplation, and rekindles and deepens one’s relationship with God. One may take this opportunity to more clearly hear God’s call and to seek God’s healing grace and thereby attain a degree of spiritual renewal. The purpose of a spiritual retreat, as an addition to daily spiritual activities, is to temporarily leave behind the usual distractions we all face for a time long enough to allow relaxation and for an inner change to occur: the ongoing conversion of heart that is critical to deepening faith.

COTT’s Annual Parish Retreat will take place on XXX 17.

The retreat will be conducted by priests from the Order of St Vincent de Paul, specially brought in from major Catholic retreat centers in the world.

This is a very successful 24-part Bible Study program by Jeff Cavins that takes participants on a journey through the entire Bible in a direct and easy-to-understand fashion.

Program Dates and Timing:

The program will start on XXXXX.

Registration will take place from XXXXX

If you would like to volunteer your services to organize the Parish Retreat, please contact XXXXX

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