Anointing Of The Sick

The Anointing of the Sick can be administered to any Catholic who is seriously ill. Caregivers are advised not to wait until the patient is critically ill or when death is imminent.

The Parish Priests are responsible for the sick within their own parish.

Priests of the churches closest to the hospitals are available for any hospitalised Catholic who requires a Priest’s attention. For your reference, churches located closest to the main hospitals can be found in the following link:

In cases of an emergency, when a patient requires the Anointing of the Sick and a Priest from the nearby church is unavailable, our Priests can be contacted anytime to administer the said sacrament.

Our Communion Ministers are available for home communion when a sick parishioner is confined to bed at home or in a nursing home.

If you need more info, please contact us at +65 6341-9718.

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