“All who are skilled among you are to come and make everything the Lord has commanded” - Exodus 35:10
The Media Ministry aims to serve as a channel of communication for the parish; providing accurate, prompt, consistent and God-centered information about the Catholic faith and Parish life.
The various teams support ministries and communities in enabling them to communicate more effectively to parishioners through various digital platforms including the social media pages, parish website and at Mass.
Do read on for more information on the teams available within the Media Ministry.

The Lord has blessed us with an opportunity to utilise our knowledge and passion for technology to proclaim and spread God’s love. Our team manages and operates the audio and visual system in the Church during Mass Services, Prayer, and Worship. We have members from adults to young teenagers, serving as a family, as friends, and as a community, while learning about the beauty of our Mass, our Faith, and growing to love God and remembering His grace and mercy.

We are a community of writers formed out of a love for God and His people, to serve the storytelling and journalistic needs of COTT. We work independently, coordinated by the editors, and we try to spread peace, joy, love and hope through the written word. As we write, read and edit, we also grow in our faith.

Capturing the important moments in church is what we aim to do here in this team. From covering special Masses to Parish Events, Baptisms, Confirmation etc, we hope to be able to show who we are as a community.

To build a vibrant and evangelising community, we strive to feed the Christ-thirsting souls by creating visuals related to Catholicism and sharing the faith stories of our parishioners through interviews. We push out special content on our social media platforms with quotes and articles. We also create announcement posters requested by other ministries.

The Social Media Team helps to manage the church’s social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Telegram to get parishioners informed on the latest church events. The team also helps to publish articles, quotes, reflections and interviews related to our Catholic faith.

The primary objective of the Web/Comms team is to ensure God-centered information about the Catholic Faith & Parish life are made available on COTT’s website. Our team also works hand in hand with content writers & other media teams to regularly publish the latest news and events on COTT’s website.

A guide for Ministries within the Parish
All Ministries, Communities or Committees within the Church of the Transfiguration that require their event/s to be publicised on the various COTT platforms are required to submit a request to us via the Publicity Support Form available below.
Click the following link for Tips on Creating Poster Designs
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
find out more before submitting your requests to us
What dimensions/format should my posters be in?
formats: PNG | JPEG
most suitable for:
Mass Announcements | Parish Website
can also be used on:
Social Media Platforms
[ B ] 1080 x 1080 px
formats: PNG | JPEG
most suitable for:
Social Media Platforms
NOTE: Do not submit PPT or PDF files
What dimensions/format should my videos be in?
[ B ] 1280 x 720p (HD Preview)
formats: MP4
If I have my materials ready, how early should I submit my requests?
If I require Media’s assistance to create a poster, how early should I submit my requests?
What details do I need to submit for Media’s assistance to create a poster?
– Event Title
– Event Date
– Event Time
– Event Venue
– Registration Links to forms (shorter version)
– Speaker | Preacher
– Target Audience
– Call-To-Action Phrases
– Bible Verses/Quotes
What else do I need to prepare?
– For Social Media
– For Priest Announcements
Prepare them accordingly for each platform above
What platforms do COTT have?
– Pre-Mass Announcements
– Priest Announcements (to be liaised with Parish Office)
Social Media Platforms:
– Facebook
– Instagram
– Telegram
– YouTube
– Parish Website
Once your requests are submitted in, Media will schedule your events accordingly.
Why was my event not publicised at Mass the past weekend?
Also, we would not be able to accede to your requests if they are submitted within a week of the date to be publicised
What are some guidelines I can follow when creating my own poster?
– it should be readable
(especially from a distance)
– create some contrast
– it should stand out
– make it scalable
– make good use of space
– explore typography
– enjoy designing
– try not to put too much words
(unless really necessary)
make sure to test out your designs on your phones and/or laptops
The Media Ministry is always open for more of you to join the family
1. If you have the gifts + talents that the Media Ministry require, Do Come Forward!
2. If you have someone in mind, share this message with them and Have Them Come Forward!
3. If you are interested to help but have no experience, Just Come Forward!
“Let’s Learn Things Together, Try Things Together & Make Things Happen Together!”
Want to find out more, connect us with @ [email protected]