Ever felt a stirring in your heart and asked yourself any of these questions?

  • What is the meaning of life?
  • Is there something more to what I am experiencing and seeing?
  • Who is Jesus Christ?
  • Is there a God?

We invite you to journey with us to ponder and explore these questions. Wherever you are in your quest, we welcome you.

“Go, therefore, make disciples of all the nations; baptise them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teach them to observe all the commands I gave you” – Matthew 28:19-20


The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process through which you are gradually introduced to Christianity and the Roman Catholic faith and way of life. The RCIA process has several distinct stages to help you in your journey

Click on the following tabs [+] to find out more:

Stage 1: Inquiry

This is the initial period before you decide to enter the Catholic Church. You’re asking questions and checking it out, but aren’t yet ready to commit.

Stage 2: Catechumenate

Those who decide to enter the Church and are being trained for a life in Christ are called Catechumens. In this stage, you are being “catechized” – learning the basic points about Catholic faith and life.

Stage 3: Purification and Enlightenment

This period is meant to be a time of reflection. The Church will help you focus and intensify your faith as you prepare to commit your life to Christ and be received into the Church.

Stage 4: Initiation

The culmination of the whole process! You’re received into the Church during the Easter Vigil Mass where you’ll receive the Sacraments of initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist.

Stage 5: Mystagogy

After your initiation, this period lets you reflect and learn more about the mysteries of the Mass and the Sacraments that you now participate in fully.



Fridays: 7.45pm to 10.00pm

COTT Auditorium, Level 3
(No Sessions on Public and Primary/Secondary School holidays)

Interested to join us or would like to learn more, contact the Parish Office at 6341 9718 or email us at [email protected].

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